Am furat un joculet funny de pe blogul lui beculetz:D. e simplu...deschiz winamp,pui pe shuffle,si dai raspunsuri la intrebari cu melodia care vine la daca vrei adaugi comentarii proprii....hai sa vedem ce iese la mine:
1. How are you feeling today?
Dana Nalbaru-Mai e o zi (si inca vor mai fi...)
3. How do your friend see you?
Metallica-Crash Course (hai maiiiiiiiiii)
4. Will you get married?
Portishead-All mine ( fi allll mine)
5. What’s your best friend’s theme?
Evanescence-Anything for you (pai da...k d aia e best friend)
6. What is the story of your life?
Shape of Despair-Curse life (maybe...)
7. What was high school like?
Amon Amarath-Death in fire (ma rog ne bateam cu apa..foc inca nu ii dadusem)
8. How can you get ahead in life?
Bob Marley-Buffalo Soldier (stiam eu ca tre sa plec in aramata=)) )
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Darwin-Saruta-ma ultima oara (ehhh se mai intampla si asta)
10. What is in store for this weekend?
Ten Years After-Let the sky Fall (ohh doamne..vine apocalipsaaaaaaa)
11. What song describes you?
Bright Eyes-Theme for Pinata (ceva mai super nu cred ca putea sa fie...)
12. What song would describe your grandparents?
Metallica-Dispossession (ohh yeah)
13. How is your life going?
Reamon-Jenny (my life is going with R. but...)
14. What song will they play at your funeral?
Katie Melua-Piece by Piece (sper sa ma bage toata nu pe bucatele in cutiuta muzica de lemn)
15. How does the world see you?
E.M.I.L-Noi doi impreuna separat (hai mereu sunt langa oameni)
16. Will you have a happy life?
David Gilmour-On an Island (ohhh daaaaaaaaa)
17. Do people secretly lust after you?
Guns'n'Roses-November Rain (no shit=)) )
18. How can I make myself happy?
The Cranberries-Them (yep...doar ceilalti ma pot face happy)
19. What should you do with your life?
Mircea Baniciu-Merg mai departe (normal asa o sa fac mereu)
he he...
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